Saturday, August 23, 2014

Code Words

"You're gonna get there,"
That's what we all need to know
When you are scared
When you're alone

I stand here, you're smiling
But I see what most don't see
You tell me you're fine
Whatever that means

You don't realize--
I've used those code words, too
It doesn't matter what excuse you have
'Cause I'll see right through

And you know, that's a good thing
Because who will you tell?
No one, I know
They don't know you're unwell

Lying in your room
Wanting to scream at the ceiling
You think you'll be gone
That you won't find your healing

I love you for who you are.
I'm talking to all of you.

One of you is freaking out
Because it just might be falling apart
This wasn't supposed to happen--
Your friend left, and it's breaking your heart

Another one of you is crying
Because you're not sure if you'll find the one
You're getting unbearably lonely
Not sure if he cares, unsure you'll ever see the sun

And still one with the weight on her shoulders
You feel everything at one time
Your feet glued to the ground
You want only to fly

One of you knowing
You're your own worst enemy
And it's hurting you inside
Everyone's blind, nobody sees

And then there's you.
Unbelievably strong, though you don't know it
Scared of the future and finding your place
But your smile, it just won't show it

Now, back to the beginning
There's something I'd like to share
Something you need to hear
You're gonna get there.