Saturday, November 5, 2016


Autumn is a comfort
Because as the leaves die
They take with them the parts of my life
Already gone, though still mused over
By my nostalgic mind

They fade into new colors
As my old pieces decompose
I realize how beautiful they were
Now that they're dying
And here I thought I took nothing for granted

Though don't mistake my innocence for ungratefulness
I wish for nothing but my moments back
But the leaves still fall to the ground
And as a wise person once told me,
"You can't outrun gravity."

They fold into reds and purples, yellows and browns
Giving me the visual of what I'm feeling
Helps me seem just a bit more sane
I'm not the only one who's changing

So we come at last to a girl
Telling her best friend about the dying leaves on a walk
To a brand new grocery store, in brand new weather
Brand new breaths of air, acorns crunch underneath their feet
Perhaps this is the beginning of the story