Saturday, June 28, 2014

Introduce Yourself

Okay, so I'm going to start writing some writing prompts into here. I picked out a list I found on Pinterest (figures), and I'm only supposed to post one a day. But those are just rules. Boring. :) I'll probably do multiple each day.

This is the first. Here goes.

My name is Emily. But, in reality, my name means nothing. It's what I put on my name tag. That is all. My name does not accurately describe me. The things that make up myself are found when you spend time with me. Those things may confuse you, annoy you, upset you, or make you happy. But I can't control that, so I will go on introducing myself.
I suppose my name could mean something. To my friends, though, it means all sorts of different things. Since I know only my friends read this blog, I can say that you each put different words and feelings and thoughts with the name "Emily."
Some of you laugh and think of that funny girl. Some of you just smile and say, "Oh, she's kinda nice." Some of you think simply of Rebekah's little sister. Yeah, that one with brown hair. Some of you think of a girl who never talks, or talks too much. Some of you get a bitter taste in your mouth, but some of you lighten up. Some of you think of me as the kind girl, but who is somewhat a mystery.
Some of you do not think of me at all.
I am well aware that many of the people I would count as my friends would never even think of putting me on their friend list.
However, that's not my point in this. My point is that the name "Emily" means many different things to different people.
In truth, my identity lies in my dreams. And nightmares. The things I genuinely laugh at, and the genuine people I laugh with. As well as the people I love. The music I listen to, and the music I write. My poetry. The poems written about me. My identity lies in the sunrise. And when the sun rises, it shines on my identity. I find myself in the wind, and the wind will always lead me to myself. And the people that love me love me for who I am, so I refuse to be anyone else.
But ultimately, my identity lies in God, the one who knew I would one day be born. He knew it while he was creating the galaxies. He knew when he created the dawn that there would be pieces of me inside those colors, as well as the sunset. And before I was born, he died. He was put to death because of my future wrongdoings. And there are so many times where I have hated myself for that. My sins killing my Father. Then He, being the only one who knows who I am, comes to me and reminds me that I am created by Him. My identity is in Him, so why should I hate myself? However, His death is not the end. He came back to life, because He is all-powerful and will not leave us. He defeated death. And, that, my friend, is the One my identity lies in.

This introduction is hardly fit, for I can hardly explain myself. But perhaps this could be the first step.

My introduction.


  1. This is absolutely stunning. If you don't mind, I'd like to list the words that mean "Emily" to me: Joyful, Righteous, Unique, Beautiful, Radiant, Kind, Hilarious, Burdened with glorious purpose, Godly, Eloquent, Deep, Cheerful, Loving, Friend.

    1. Awww, Grace! You are way too sweet. Thank you so, so much. Haha, burdened with glorious purpose...

  2. Hahaha! Burdened with glorious purpose! *lol*

  3. Your friends aren't the only ones that read this.

  4. Reading this entry is like having the opportunity to see prayers answered through your life. May God continue to reveal himself to you and who you are in Him.
