Tuesday, December 22, 2015


I can play only one role in your life.
I cannot control other characters in your story.  I cannot make people pay more attention to you, or less, for that matter.  I cannot make them like you, respect you, or give you what you want.  I cannot fill the roles that should be filled, need to be filled in the future, or should have been filled a long time ago.  I cannot ensure that your friends won't stab you in the back.  I cannot make your siblings see your side.  I cannot force people to show up when you need them to.
I can play only one role in your life.
I am one heart, one voice, one set of eyes, one pair of hands, one character, one personality, one thought in your story.  And a thousand wishes to fill all the roles for you.
But I can fill only one.
There are people that want to use me to fill more roles than I'm able-- they expect me to be more than I am, to do more than I can.  A lot of the time it's simply because so many other people have failed to play the role they needed to in this person's life.
On the other side of this, there are some people for whom I wish I could be everyone.  Wish I could love them like their parents could, be there for them like three friends could, catch them like a lover could.  Heal them like God could.
It involves trust, this mess of mine.  Trust that God's timing is secure in other people's lives.  He will take care of them.  He is the hero.  I am not.
I will only fill one role.  I cannot be there for you always like I desperately want to.  I am not strong enough, not wise enough, not helpful enough, don't have enough time.  I am just one.
I. Am. Just. One.
I have a single role.  Whether I am the daughter, the classmate, the girl you pass in the street, the cousin, the babysitter, the funny kid, the person who threw your trash away, the girl you nerd out with about British TV shows, the sister, the best friend, the niece, the acquaintance you see once in a while, the counsellor, the lover, the person who understands you...
I will never be anyone's everything.  I only get one role to fill for every person I meet.  All I can do is fill it the best I possibly can.

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