Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Sky Full of Stars

The cobblestone path beneath her feet traveled on and on through the vast fields. The vivid green grass blew in the strong wind, which also whipped her dark hair around her face. The distant sounds of thunder did anything but concern her. It was her, alone, in this infinite place. And she loved it.
She looked down.
Her bare feet carried her along, running with all the power and adrenaline of the birds flying in the air. The gray cobblestones were smooth, making the landing of each foot much softer than it seemed it should be. She ran on and on with limitless energy. She was alive.
She looked up.
The beautiful, dark blue clouds covered lots of the sky, tumbling over each other slowly. But when she gazed up ahead, she could see an even more beautiful sight. She could see a sky full of stars. They called her forward, pulling her heart in that direction. She was free.
She looked around her.
The raindrops fell around her, but they appeared to be in slow-motion. Time had nearly stopped, and the water fell on either side of her, in front, and behind. None of it hit her. She was invincible.
The grassy land went on forever. There was no skyline in sight, no other sign of life, except for that in the stars before her.
With each thump of her foot on the path, she drew nearer and nearer to the upcoming sky.
Her sky full of stars.

(Written while listening to "Sky Full of Stars," by Coldplay.)