The gray in the sky was beautiful. It wasn't the kind of gray that usually comes with a storm; it was the kind that is noticeable enough to be there, yet not blocking out every other color. Separate cloud masses were still identifiable, and the confident blue in between them was definitely still there, reassuring one that there was still an atmosphere behind the rolling grays.
This was a sight she'd missed.
Hair in that ponytail, she rushed into the downpour. She laughed, gazing up into the sky. That beautiful gray.
Droplets of water fell down her arms, streaking her skin with the tears of the air. But she felt these tears. Not tears of sorrow, but tears of what was almost relief. Just letting it go. Tears of confusion, but trust.
No one else was outside if course, but there she was, standing on the sidewalk in the front of her house. Right in the middle of the rain. And she danced, singing quietly to herself. She splashed in the puddles, walked in the street. She pulled flimsy branches of her trees to splash the water from them onto herself, and laughed again when it worked.
Rain down on me
Please, rain on me
Because I'm worried about things I shouldn't be
And I
Just want to be clean
Rain down on me,
Please, pretty please
I feel like a kid again, and now I can see
That I
Just want to be free
Rain, rain, rain down I pray
If as long as it rains I can stay this age
I didn't think it would rain today
And now I don't want it to go away
Dancing alone, she remembered that soon she wouldn't be. And full of hope, she looked to the street. Maybe he would come driving down, just like he did last night. Maybe.
But no, not yet.
Not just yet.
This makes me so hopeful!!