Wednesday, August 17, 2016


I don't wanna be awake at 3 a.m.
But here's the clock, and here I am
Just blogging about nothing so I don't stress about school
And student council and my birthday and Rebekah leaving soon
And working and driving and all of that stuff
But writing about it's not quite good enough
(I'm supposed to be distracted)
Man, I'm so tired, I wish I could sleep
But I tried for forever, tossing and turning through the sheets
Did my best, but my head won't rest
Like a hummingbird in a sparrow's nest
How is it that whenever I wake up with all my senses
It's at some unearthly time of night?
Why can't I wake up like this in the morning?
That would be pretty nice
This is the worst poem I've ever written
I wish I would just stop
But then all the other stuff will fill my brain again
Wish it would just knock it off
I visualize myself putting those thoughts in jars
That I can open in the morning sometime
But it actually doesn't help at all
They're still running wild through my mind

This is miserable.

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