Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I am in rebellion.
I don't need anyone just yet.
All around me, they all have partners. But for now, I alone am enough. I don't need a boy to define me. I'm enough of myself for two people at the moment.
The relationship I'm focusing on now is with my God. I know I have to get this one straight first.
And it's hard.
And I get lonely, and it's almost unbearable.
I see people all around me--even those with the right to be in a relationship--and I almost wish for it.
But I know my time will come. If I wait for it. Even though it's hard.
Honestly, I dream of the day when I can stop waiting.

But until then, I can wait. Just watch.


  1. And you have friends along the way. Friends who love you, Emily. We always have your back. Always.

    1. Thank you so much, Grace. I need that reminder sometimes. :)

  2. I. Love. This. So. Much. We can do this:)
