Saturday, July 5, 2014

Something You Always Think "What If..." About

I thought of the subject for this prompt fairly quickly.

Towards the end of summer 2013, my sister heard about a homeschool pool party, and asked my mom if she could go.
"Of course!" my mom said. "Emily, why don't you go too?"
"Eh... I'm good," I said.
"No, I think you should go. It will be fun!"
"Thanks, Mom, but I really don't want to."
And the conversation went on. In my mind, my mom just wanted introvert Emily to socialize for a change (and she did), and I was determined not to go as the little sister tag-along. I was just tired of hearing the same old, "It'll be good for you!" over and over again. I thought I knew what would actually be good for me.
Well, I didn't.
My mother won, in the end, and so they dragged me out of the house and to the pool party. The only thing I knew about it was that it was at some kid named Joseph's house. And one of my friends might be there. Well, my sister's friend that I knew because of her.
Anyway, we got there and the dude, Joseph, was playing basketball. He greeted us and led us to the backyard, where everyone was swimming. We socialized.
Correction: My sister socialized, and I stood awkwardly behind her while she talked to her friends.
We swam and stuff. I don't remember too much except for a nice girl introducing herself. Then some kid ran by me, saying, "My apologies!", then shoved me into the pool.
And so the rest of my night revolved around playful revenge. He had obviously done it on purpose. Goon. I never got my revenge, but I later found out the kid's name. Nick.
A very nice lady gathered us all out of the pool and spoke to us for a while, telling us about a Bible study every Tuesday night. Naturally, my sister wanted to go.
When we got home, she told my mom all about it. I didn't go to the first Bible study, but soon I actually wanted to. I was pretty sure I liked that group of kids.
I went. I kept going. I got to know those kids. I watched as my life was changed before my eyes for the better.
Soon, that group, Anchorage, was my second home. That's where my heart was.

For years before that, my parents and I had been praying for some good friends in my life. Every since our growth group at church split up when I was really little, I hadn't had any really great friends. I mean, I had friends, but I didn't see them much.
After a while, I didn't pray for friends anymore. I was done. Whatever. I just didn't really have faith anymore, I suppose. I know now that it was a mistake.
But then Anchorage came, and all at once my parents' prayers were answered.
The friends I did have I grew closer to, and I got to know so many new people that I don't know how I ever could have lived without. These people have legitimately changed my life.
All because my parents didn't stop praying for good friends for me, even when I did. And God certainly followed through, and now I have a much, much closer relationship with Him.

So what if...
What if my mom hadn't made me go to that pool party?


  1. Wow. Such a cool story Emily! I am so glad you are a part of anchorage. :)

  2. THIS IS SO ME. This is where it all began. I was just my brother's (Nick :p) tagalong. To me, it was his bible study, and nothing I would ever make my own. But then I started coming Tuesday nights. It was perfect.

    1. I know!! And I am SO happy that you come, Grace. :D

  3. This just made me so stinking happy for some reason. :)
