Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Liebster Blog Award

Okay, so I was nominated a LONG time ago by Baylie for this really cool blog award that's passed on from one blogger to the next... and I haven't completed it till now.  I fail. x)  But what you do is, when you're nominated, you have to answer the questions you're given and then give eleven facts about yourself.  Then you nominate someone else and give them questions.
Here goes!

What is your favorite movie, and why?

Thor: The Dark World.  The scenery is beautiful, and the characters are amazing.  The plot's cool too.

Apple or Android?

I'ma go with Apple...

If you could pick one actress to play you in a movie about your life, who would it be? 

I have no idea.

What is your favorite restaurant?

I just really like good food.  I don't know. x)

What is your favorite candy, and why?

I don't know, I like chocolate.

Do you have that one clothing item in your closet that you absolutely hate but can't get rid of? Describe it.

Yeah, my Girl Scouts vest. xD  It's green... and beautiful.

If you could rename yourself, what name would you choose?

Echo, Wendy, Arti... I don't know.  Emily is awesome, but it's really common.

Do you have any weird or special talents?

I can read.

When did you start writing?

Who knows when... I started blogging at 14.

How has blogging/writing helped you in life?

It helps me not explode.  Also express myself and stuff, but mostly not exploding.

What is your favorite poem ever?

Probably something written by Joseph Arze.  Not gonna lie.  I like his poem/song "The Hurt" a ton, but I'm not sure it's my TOP favorite... "Blame" by Rebekah Grey is amazing, too, but again, I don't know.

And now, eleven things prolly everyone reading this knows about me. x)  Maybe not.

1.  Uh.

2.  I've never broken a bone.

3.  I've never had a cavity.

4.  I can't really snap my fingers.

5.  My name means "industrious."  (Ooh, there's a good one.)

6.  My love language is people letting me conquer the planet and rule for all eternity as a tyrant.

7.  I'm running out of things to say.


9.  I'm kind of a pessimist (if you read anything I've ever written, you know that).

10.  One time I witnessed Ethan ride his bike off a bridge at least ten feet above a creek (I'm the only one who saw this, mind you), and proceeded to cry even though he wasn't even crying and everyone was acting like it was no big deal.

11.  I hate riding bikes.

Okay, so I nominate Joseph, heheh, and I'm giving him the same questions to answer because I'm too indecisive to come up with new ones.  And, for the third question, I'm obviously changing it to "actor..." Heh
Yay!  Have fun!