Friday, August 1, 2014

Huge and Little Things

Do you ever think,
"Oh crap, I'm falling in love!"
Or ever get a message,
And swear it's from above?

Do you ever suddenly
Remember a childhood memory?
Or find yourself in paradise
And hope it's not a dream?

It's the huge and little things
That make up this life
We know we're here for something,
Or else our Savior wouldn't have died

And do you ever find a picture
From when you were a kid?
Or sworn you'd never grow up,
Then laughed and cried because you did?

Do you ever find God
In the middle of your misery?
Or peace in a tornado-
Well, what else could it be?

And do you ever just sing,
Not caring how you sound
'Cause your singing to someone,
Even though they're not around?