Saturday, May 28, 2016


From the busy parks
To the icy tides
Someday we'll decide
Where we want to live out our lives
For now, we're two sparks
Tumbling along
Keeping the heat on
Even though summer's come and gone

I would sail across the east sea
Just to see you on the far side
Where the wind is cold and angry
There you'll be to take me inside
We'll find ways to fill the empty
Far from all the hysteria
I don't care if we suddenly
Find ourselves in Siberia

Inside a street car
Or on a mountain trail
Details, details
You breathe in when I exhale
No matter where we are
Or which way the wind blows
Or how heavy the snow
Nothing can change where we will go

I would sail across the east sea
Just to see you on the far side
Where the wind is cold and angry
There you'll be to take me inside
We'll find ways to fill the empty
Far from all the hysteria 
I don't care if we suddenly
Find ourselves in Siberia


Friday, May 27, 2016

He's been working for hours
And I'm still in bed
Trying to envision
Him in my head
Covered in sweat, 
Moving wood,
Cleaning the fish tank 
Washing down windows,
Or cleaning some kitchen
In a place I call home
That's only home when he's there
So the answer is no, 
This bed at my house isn't home, it's nowhere
And I'm not that sad yet
Just wish I was there today
More than anything, actually
But there wasn't a way
I can't get out of bed,
Because why would I?
I have chores to do
Randoms are coming to my house tonight
So I'll be clinging to Baylie and Izzy
And Kate will be there too
I know it won't be bad
But till then I've got nothing to do
Or, nothing I wanna do.
Is that what we call laziness?
Sorry, at this point I hardly care
Because it sucks when you find yourself here
And the only place you want to be is there

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Silent Game

So here's how the story goes,
It's a little sad, a lot bit sweet
One that no one really knows
We're not people people meet

There's this boy that caught my eye
After a week, I knew his name
But he was funny, I was shy
And so I played the silent game

Tried not to say his name too much
Keep the butterflies at bay
No need to get all my hopes up
But the fluttering still stayed

If we fast forward a couple years
We find us sitting on a rock
Talking about our separate futures
That's all it was to him, just talk

Well, as far as I had known
Which happened to be a small amount
Meanwhile I wished for him on Cola trucks
And he found new words inside his mouth

I hoped he wouldn't decide to push me away
Because talking to him made me see
He thought the way I guessed he did all those days
The only one I wanted close to me

Come autumn, we're best friends
Like two kids who decided to climb the same tree
For once I didn't have to play pretend
That I had somebody with me

If years of waiting led to you
Standing closely by my side
Holding my hand like you do
I would choose you every time

If three days of waiting leads to you
Coming home to me, I'll try
'Cause if I had to wait years again
I would choose you every time

I will choose you every time

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Steering Wheels

I didn't see the stars tonight
A different something took me
I didn't see the stars tonight
Maybe I wasn't looking
You're amazed by me,
And I try to receive it
You tell me I'm great,
I'd die to believe it
There's something inside
That tells me to step out
"Believe, for once in your life"
[ B u t   I   o n l y   d r o w n ]
I want to believe that when I grow up
I can make music and be known
I want to believe I'll write songs and play them
But I always know I won't
I don't believe because I'm a pessimist
I don't act out because I don't have confidence
Isn't it painful to know that you could have been something great?
But I couldn't even help Zoe
And now she's gone
I can't even help my own brother
Always wrong

This year I turn seventeen on shaky ground
Because I'm afraid of steering wheels instead of clowns
I know God made me exactly how He wanted me to be
But it seems like it freaking sucks (and I'm the freak)

There's more I want to say.
Oh, my boy, you're alive
Your heart's still beating
So don't you mind, don't you mind
We all drift sometimes

Radical Face

Monday, May 23, 2016

You can't make everybody happy
This much, I know, is true
But this is what it'd look like
If my life was to please you

If I wanted to make you happy
I would pretend he wasn't there
I would only talk to girls
When it came to him, I wouldn't care

I would stay single and complain
Even though I really loved him
I would keep it to myself
With my patience wearing thin

I would know he loved me
But heaven forbid me let you know
I would be silent and miserable
But heaven forbid me let it show

Never make eye-contact with him
Spend all my time and money on everyone else
Ignore any thought of love
To the point where I'm hurting myself

Well, that would make you happy, right?


Music sounds different when you listen from the shower
The speakers from your turntable will play a different art
This song has much more piano, that song really has some bass
You finally hear the lyrics coming from your heart

Because the running water mixed with melodies in the air
Drown out every word coming from you, except the ones in your chest
You don't know where you're going, you don't know who still loves you
But you know Who you serve, so you're doing your best

The scent of the shampoo reminds you of Messiah's Ranch
Like the feeling last night when you wanted to stay
The days fly, and the pendulum doesn't keep up
But every second without him still feels like a day

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sound Asleep

You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take
But save one hundred percent of the hearts you don't break
I think we're at the point where I don't have to be fake
Hope's hard to hold onto, but even harder to make
Do I see a light at the end of this tunnel?
Yes, of course, I always do
But I feel the smart of what I'll lose on the way
Or, maybe it's rather best to say "who"
I don't wanna hurt anyone, but they walk away regardless
So I keep moving forward and try not to look heartless
People say I don't care, but they don't know the truth
I care so much you might shed a tear if you knew
But in order to survive, I have to walk away sometimes
Couldn't look you in the eye, had to tell you I was fine
But I'll never be called "brave" for that, and why?
Because "brave" is a funny word that we have misused over time
They say brave is when you conquer demons, where everybody knows
While that's true, brave is also knowing when you must let go
And I'm trying not to hear a million cries around me
Because I can't be your superhero, I have fear enough to drown me
So when something's wrong, and she won't say a word all night
I turn, force a smile, and tell myself that I'm alright
You can't fix everyone, all you can do is try
I only need two hands to hold my chin up high
Last night I had a dream where blood was coming from my ears
I was in trouble, but the irony is that no one else could hear
Sometimes I list the people that I'm positive still love me
Because if I live in my head too long, the hurt will just become me
I don't like telling people that I still worry about her
Because they look at me like maybe they must have misheard
"Why are you holding on to this, why can't you let go?"
"You think that I want this, you think I even know?"
Oh well.
I'm on my eight thousand, nine hundred, thirty-first sheep
The worst part is waiting to actually fall asleep

I know this is the last thing I need, but I made a new blog guys. xD  It's just a lyrics appreciation blog though, no pressure to check it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"Oh, it only gets worse from here."

"Thanks for the support, but I find myself doing better when you aren't talking."

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Okay, so here I am
Writing whatever comes to mind
Simply to distract myself
From the thoughts I'd have otherwise
I tried getting on Instagram
But it's so boring
And I tried reading blogs
But I'm done already
So here I am
Trying not to let my head run
Just to leave me feeling lonelier than ever
And soaked in fears at half-past one
So no, don't feel bad for me
Most of you have been here before
It happens, it happens, I'm doing what I can
So no sympathy, por favor
I am just a bit upset
For finding myself back in this mess
I was doing so well
Oh well
Maybe all of you know all my problems by now
So maybe I won't repeat them in rhymes
But I haven't got much else to talk about
That would sound somewhat poetic in keeping time
Okay, let me try something different.

I love Baylie.
I love Baylie because she's stood the test of time
She's been a true friend to me,
She's always asked if I'm alright
She texts me randomly because she loves me
And asks how she can pray for me
I love Baylie because her eyes sparkle
And even when she's crying, to me she's beautiful
Because there's something more than pretty mascara and blush
It's when your skull smashes to the ground, and you manage to get back up
So when Baylie tells me she's tearing at the seams
I know what it means
It means it's another cliff, another fire in a safe place
It's another knife, another thorn, another wet face
But she will come on through it, or I will walk through that hell with her
So when she feels like she's a goner, I pray she knows I always miss her

I love Hope.
I love Hope because she hasn't always been through
What someone else is going through
But her storms are bigger than anyone knows
So she can understand others like no one else could do
She cares that sometimes I can't sleep
Because she's feeling the same thing
But even if she always slept soundly
And had the best dreams, she'd still care about me
I love Hope because of her humble beauty
That would melt the hardest heart
She's playful, yet incredibly wise
She's held on when the world's been torn apart
She is brave, she is strong
To keep moving on
Hold your head high and walk
You can crawl, but don't stop
Sometimes no one sees the bullets in her chest
But I do, so I pray that she'll still try her best

I love Jillian.
I love Jillian because I can trust her
To never just decide she'll believe the rumors about me
And turn her back to walk away
After all the years of our differences
I know this thing will stay the same
She dreams of a castle
That she can't see because of the fog
And the doubts are screaming louder
But she still sings her song
She's brave enough to be loyal to me
Even if we don't ever get coffee
Her love is evident by what she does and doesn't say
And through her words, somehow, I know she always sees
She would never hurt her friends
And she's bold enough to hold onto her imagination
Even if it's fragmented
And even if the strain cuts her hands open

I love Grace.
I love Grace because she's so intelligent
She seeks wisdom, and uses the wisdom she has
There's a gleam in her eyes of understanding
Though many miss it when they walk by too fast
She brings light when she hugs you
She'll encourage the oppressed
You can confide in her
And in her I have a true friend
She can tell how others feel
She apologizes if something might have been taken the wrong way
Such humility is a gem only found in a few
She learns to appreciate the past and hold onto today
I love Grace because she pays attention to the details
And notices the little things
She cherishes her friends
And you should hear her sing

I love Nick.
I love Nick because he is a pessimist
Who's had some rough yesterdays
But he tells me that everything
Will be alright anyway
I have more hope for him than he does
I pray that his eyes would be opened
But I love him because he's a good friend
Even though he's been broken
He thinks and thinks
But feels things deeply
Which, I know, is painful
But I believe it's a good thing
Sometimes he tells me what's going on
And I tell him about my life, too
And we'll complain or give each other advice
And we always make it through
He puts his thoughts into songs
And sings them with conviction
Strums away on his ukulele
His eyes looking into another dimension

I love Joseph.
I love Joseph because he lets me be sad
Instead of telling me to suck it up
Even when he doesn't understand why I'm sad
He just wants to make it better, which, yes he does
He has this playful glint in his eyes
And this excited skip in his step
Like he's thrilled to just be alive
And it always comes back after he's been upset
And when he's down, it's okay
I just hope to make him feel better
You always want that in a friend
Just someone who tries to make it better
Hope I do a good job sometimes
I love Joseph because no matter what instrument he plays
He plays it with passion, and does it well
And he makes me laugh more than I thought I could
He makes the joy inside my heart swell
He listens to what I say
I know he has my back
Apologizes for blowing air on my face
But I'm alright with that
I love Joseph because he cares
And really, that means a lot to me
Just the fact that he even cares
Makes me think my life is a dream
He holds the door for me
And you know, that's pretty nice
He's steady when I'm up and down
He helps me skate along the ice
His laugh is precious, he talks to me
And I feel the world around me freeze
He's gentle and kind, always in my mind
I pray he'll always stay who God made him to be

I love Mom
I love Dad
I love Rebekah
I love Ethan
I love Isaac
I love Izzy
I love Hannah
I love Alex
I love Mrs. Lenzie
I love Kate
I love Jenna
I love Emalie
I love Zoe
I love Luke
I love Jordan
I love Mrs. Cindetta
I love Jonathan
I love Katie
I love Charla
I love Caroline
I love Mr. John
I love Kristen
I love J-Lyon
I love Madison

And the rest

But most of all, I love Jesus Christ my Lord, for giving my life such a wonderful cast, and helping me through tonight (and not just that).


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

"I slept very little, for the disquiets of my mind prevailed over my weariness, and kept me awake."

Gulliver's Travels


You sing and dance to a song you despise
You pull out a flower from behind your back
You save my life from an insane congo line
You cry "on guard!" and give my sword an attack

They hate me for it,
But sometimes you're all I really have

Monday, May 2, 2016


Well, here I am, writing
Because with math and science out of the way, I haven't got much to do tomorrow
Here I am, writing
Because I wish I was at prom with him still
I am writing
Because I don't wanna watch Dad cry on Saturday during graduation
I'm writing
Because I wish I was anywhere with him still

I wonder if he worries about his brother leaving
I wonder if he ever gets scared like I do about anything

Oh, this wandering heart
It'll all turn out, dear
So don't you fret, don't you mind
I'm always right here

Oh, all these different lives
It's fine if you're scared, too
So take my hand, it's alright
You can cry on me if you need to

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Now I'm left with blisters on my feet
Red on my hand
Polish on my nails
And you in my head
Can't help but wish we were there again
But that's alright, I'll see you soon
And you'll offer to fetch me the moon
And we'll dance across the ballroom floor
And I'll let you open my car door
And we'll have ice cream at an adorable café
And we'll sit on a bench, you'll say you wish we could stay
I hope you know that I meant it
If I was queen and I had the world to chose from
You'd have a crown on your head in no time
It will always be you

I still feel the floor shaking
I still feel smiles through the night
You always know what to say
But sometimes you say it with your eyes
I still feel my heart beating
I still feel your hand in mine
We had hours to spend like gold
But we still wish we had more time