Saturday, June 13, 2015


Here we are now
Time's almost up
I was panicking then, but
Now I'm ready for it to be done
Christian poked above my shoulder
And exclaimed, "Pressure point!"
We heard "Good Time"
Several times with much joy
My team won The Great Race
Much to my surprise
Though I just wanted to skip it
And fast forward time
I told Jacob my name was Wendy
And listened to what Hannah said
She made eye-contact, then told him
Her name was Annabeth
Grace sang Taylor Swift
The lyrics of "22"
And everyone else joined in
But it was a song I never knew
You guys also sang Julian Smith
The song that gets stuck in your head
As we merrily walked on down
That path again and again
We always sat at the same table
One day you were joined by Troy
You talked for several minutes
Both of you drummer boys
And I was always happy
As memories were made
I'm not sure if I knew or not
That I would never forget those days
I remember one day you told me
Peter Pan was your nickname
I couldn't help but smile then
Like I'm smiling today
Hannah was so funny
Because when we were in the pool
She'd tackle the boys who stole the beach ball
Like there weren't any rules
But one day I jumped in my bed
When I heard her squealing, terrified
And she begged me to kill the grasshopper
I could only laugh inside
And God was there, amazing
His glory shown at camp
We overflowed with joy
Now we know where we stand
He works behind the scenes, you know
In me, He planted seeds
I maybe saw just one of them
The rest remained unseen
But it makes me wanna cry now
When I look back to them
Because they've blossomed like nothing else
So many seeds He's grown from then
I said hi to Cole and Avery
Every other five minutes
You're coming back tomorrow
And I can't wait to hear about it

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