Thursday, February 26, 2015


Don't trust the mirror
Can I give you girls advice?
Don't ever trust the mirror
Your reflection feeds you lies
Your eyes don't have the same gleam
In the bathroom's brutal light
And the mirror never shows you
Your giggle at midnight
Your reflection doesn't help you
Like you help all your friends
And it never tells you
About all the hearts you mend
It doesn't let you notice
How your voice always sounds
When you comfort someone
Or when you're breaking down
The mirror won't uncover
The beating of your heart
When you look out the window
And see the raining start
We females have a problem
With knowing we're enough
If we believe in God
Don't we believe he created us?
It seems that we're so wrapped up
In things we shouldn't be
Like do I look better than her
And is he into me?
Appearance is deceiving
I thought that you would know
And "hot" is just misleading
You're better than you know
Doesn't mean you can't wear makeup
It just means give it space
'Cause who doesn't love painting lines
All over their pretty face?
I don't want to hear that you don't like your smile
It's beautiful, girl, and I haven't seen it in a while
God didn't ask your opinion when he made your grin
Because He made it perfect, nose to your chin
Your smile is a lovely thing
To express when you are happy
And to help build others up
You're not allowed to call it crappy
And when I see you smile
Even if I'm on the moon
It makes my heart just swell with joy
And brightens my whole room
And listen up--
Every one of you girls
You don't need a guy
To determine your worth
Take no offense,
And not to be rude
But I think that's stupid
I know God does, too
"Oh, easy for you to say,"
I hear the words on your lips
Oh come on, I know
You were all thinking it
But don't be so quick
To think I'm alright
God has His own
Different plan for my life
And He's got one for you
If you're willing to see
Don't look my way
This is not about me
It's your relationship with God
I'm not in the equation
Don't point fingers and talk
We all have to be patient
A girl's life isn't about
Just falling in love
You've gotta look past that
And look up above
I'm not saying it's bad
We all know it'll come
I'm saying it's about God
It's not about us
You are not "forever alone"
Oh, give me a break
If you wait for your time
It'll come right your way
Someday we'll all find
The other halves of our hearts
Whether that someday
Is near or it's far
And believe me, he won't love you
Because your brand of makeup
But trust me, he will notice
Whom your heart really loves
In the meantime trust God
He'll always love you most
These things take faith
You're the one that He chose
This isn't about if you like your own body
This isn't about if you think that you're pretty
This is about whether you see what God sees
If you're confident in the person He made you to be
I want you to read this over again
I want you to lock it away in your head
Write it down, grab a pen
Type it all out instead
But it takes way to soon
To be moved and then forget
So come on, now,
Get up off of the floor
I don't ever wanna hear
"I'm ugly" anymore
Or even "I guess I look fine"
As you head for the door
You're better than fine, you hear?
You're the one God adores
You need to learn this lesson
If you haven't learned it before
Because vanity is an ocean
So swim on to the shore


  1. Wow I obviously am not a female, but you preach it. Like I could see you at a women's conference or something reading that and like it would totally speak to sooo many people. You're an incredible writer and an amazing girl of God :)

  2. I don't think that this could be worded better.

  3. This is absolutely incredible, Emily! Preach it!
